How To Save On Your Next Energy Bill

Without a doubt, prices for goods and services are constantly on the rise. Consequently, the amount you pay in the long run for energy costs can amount to a big number. The average American home energy bill is around $120/month. 

In order to combat paying more than necessary for energizing your home, apply any of these tips.

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Replace your old insulation

Heating systems in homes everywhere are working overdrive to keep your home warm every winter. If you want to avoid that precious heat from escaping your home, update insulation and sealant located in the walls, attic, floors, and doors. 

In doing so, you will eliminate one of the most common causes of a high energy bill. Also, another item that should be analyzed for performance is your windows. 

This is one of the more important ways to improve your bill.  From here, check out these other smaller tasks for the common areas of a home…

Use efficient lighting

Besides adding to aesthetic of a home, natural lighting is also a great way to avoid energy usage. 

Although this is widespread knowledge; it is still worth mentioning. LED light bulbs are the best option for cost benefit and efficiency. At the end of the day, LED bulbs are worth the initial pricey investment because they save money in the long run. Actually, LED bulbs last 25x longer than conventional bulbs AND use 90% less energy.

You could also explore the installation of dimmer switches. Recognize moments when you are not in need of the full light capacity and make use of this installation.

Equally important is turning lights off when you do not need them.


A third strategy to reduce your bill is by eliminating unnecessary origins of power usage. 

Take a stroll through your home and recognize the electronics that are commonly unused. Some common items are as follows…

  • Desktops
  • Lamps
  • VCR/DVD player
  • TVs
  • Toasters
  • Blenders
  • Modems
If you implement this practice, you can utilize power strips. Say these items may be located in the same area, this means they can be added to a centralized power source that can be shut on and off with the press of a button.

Check on your thermostat

Throughout the winter months, maintaining a lower home temperature can do wonders for your energy bills.

Not only this, but if you apply the use of a programmable thermostat, you may see great results. Decrease temps while you sleep and while you are away. 

The great thing about using a heating schedule is that the temps can get back to normal by the time you wake up or arrive home.

Buy appliances with the latest technology

By all means, this one may be out of the budget. However, if you’re in the market, this could cut your bills by a significant amount. On average, appliances account for around 20% of your home’s energy consumption. With even older appliances, they could eat more like 75% of that consumption. You could even consider switching to solar panels to power your home. 

Cook with smaller appliances

Who doesn’t love their air fryers these days? Ovens use around a surprising 2,400 watts/ hour. That amount of energy usage will add up in the long run. The average air fryer only uses 1,000-1,600 watts per hour.

 Say you used your air fryer instead of the oven once a day for an hour. This could mean a savings of around 125 dollars a year. Pair that with some other energy saving tips and that will add up to a lot more. Regardless, the investment into an air fryer is worth it.

Get an energy audit

Do you want to continue heating and cooling the air outside of your home? We didn’t think so. Schedule an energy audit through a local utility company to find what areas of your home could be improved for energy efficiency. Normally, companies will offer a free or low-priced audit. 

One strategy they use in completing their audit is identifying areas of heat loss using a thermal meter. In addition, they will complete a review for your appliances.

Other small tips

  • Use low pressure showerheads 
  • Keep your fridge and freezer full (extra insulation minimizes amount of time that the fridge has to run)
  • Air dry your laundry
  • Wash in full loads of laundry
  • Change your furnace filters on a regular basis
  • Install dimmer switches


The goal here is to get you headed in the direction of lower energy bills. There is no expectation for you to live a life without enjoying your modern-day essentials.  Nevertheless, think consciously on the decisions you make when it comes to energy consumption and make adjustments where you see fit.

Call T-10 Construction today for a FREE inspection and estimate!

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